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Writer's pictureJennifer Kipnis

Principles of Design In Our World

Design stands out at the forefront of all products in our world; the content production, services, and communities that design impacts builds long term relationships with people. However, aspects of design are interpreted by individuals in varying degrees; those with visual disabilities such as sight, color blindness, and visual impairments that may affect how they view the world. In our current social climate design can be see, heard, and felt in various ways. As we advance in technology, products such as color blindness glasses, surgeries, design of touch, smell, and sound seep into our daily lives with interactive models and social media platforms. In the same vein, it is crucial to keep in mind disabilities of the general public and design products and advertisements accordingly.

In our current social atmosphere, design and especially product design is everywhere. With the help of social media platforms, one is consistently bombarded with some aspect of design. Creators and Influencers are either releasing their own product designs for their audience or they are advertising for various brands. For instance, Emma Chamberlain, a popular creator on YouTube, recently created her own coffee brand. The design of her product has gained great success, partly due to the fact that coffee is her “brand,” she uses it as an aspect of her personality, thus when her brand launched with her bright colors, fun logo, and creative text, it soared in sales.

As shown in the photo on the left, you can see the enthusiastic design of the coffee bags. The bright and fun colors align with her persona; the design did well because of her mass following and the good marketing and design utilized. In the last few years, with influencers gaining traction, many have gone on to do collaborations with brands or create their own products. I feel as though in our day and age design is decreasing in importance in some fields. Anyone with a mass following or audience generally will succeed with their design or product simply due to the fact that people trust and want to purchase and experience their brand. That being said, design both good and bad, has implications for our relationships, family, social lives, and our experiences. As consumers we are being sold products and their design often determines whether or not certain companies make good sales or bad.

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5 comentários

aaya ahmed
aaya ahmed
23 de dez. de 2021

I loved how you mentioned that coffee is Emma's brand and how its basically what she use's as her personality. It's very true. And if it weren't for this class I would've never made that connection. That this is a type pf branding and it helps her gain public recognition. This topic about color and color blindness also reminds me of all the tiktoks going around with colorblind people trying to separate M&m's.


Usman Sultan
Usman Sultan
15 de out. de 2021

I liked the video that was provided, it gave more depth to the information you posted. Also, I love Chamberlain Coffee, it tastes so good. Its nice to see Emma Chamberlain making her way into the example and how you utilized her design in the example, really good post.


Tucker Dismukes
Tucker Dismukes
14 de out. de 2021

Jennifer, I see that you are an observant when it comes to design and how much thought and care goes into application of design in the world around us. I especially appreciate how you spoke about the necessity of considering certain ailments and disabilities when it comes to product and software design. Certain companies such as Verizon have extreme testing methods in order to ensure that their products are as accessible as possible, and I think you'd agree that this needs to become the norm for ALL companies. - Tucker D.


aliza fatima
aliza fatima
14 de out. de 2021

Hello! I really enjoyed reading your blog and how you emphasized how important visuals are to this day and age, especially with colors. The picture you chose showed a lot of how the colors made the picture more vibrant which is extremely ideal because it always catches the person's attention more, definitely did for me. Great job!


Konstantyn X Brand
Konstantyn X Brand
11 de out. de 2021

I totally agree with you. I think we often overlook how much design has incorporated itself with our life. The video was very informative and I really like how you pase yourself while expressing your opinion. Well written!

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